2024 - 2025 School year
Upcoming Events
March 4 - 5: CEHS Theatre presents “The Bacchae”
Tickets $5/$15 - 7:00 pm March 14: Cape HSPA presents
”Comedy for a Cause” featuring Chip Leighton - Tickets $5/$15 - 7:00 pm
The Cape Elizabeth High School Parents Association (HSPA) is comprised of parent volunteers who help enrich our children's high school experience by providing teacher grants, informal meetings with administrators, guest speakers, and Monday morning e-newsletters with the week's news and events. The HSPA includes all parents and guardians of students enrolled at CEHS. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact a member of the HSPA leadership (emails below). We appreciate your support on any level.
HSPA Leadership
Co-Presidents: Cherie Gustafson and Andrea Bryant
Secretary: Sarah Price
Treasurer: Allison Blackstone
HSPA Volunteers
Fundraising: OPEN
Newsletter: Gina Guadagnino
Grants: Nina Trowbridge
Teacher & Student Appreciation: Julie Halter
Social Media: Roxanne de Vries
Website: Roxanne de Vries
Our Mission
The HSPA is a non-profit organization that exists primarily for charitable, communication, and education purposes. The purpose of the HSPA is to enhance and support the educational experience at Cape Elizabeth High School (CEHS), to foster a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement, and to improve the environment at CEHS through volunteer and financial support, community connection, and education.